Suppose You Grow (2020)

Last Minute Friends

I solemnly swear
I am up to no good
since longingly begging for new neighborhoods.
I tried to sneak out
when the first siren sounded.
I thought it’d be better to feel somewhat surrounded.
I thought it’d be better to feel intentionally grounded.

So, pull up my roots
and pull back my eyelids.
They’re tied to unfortunate case of surprises.
You asked me not to, and I purposefully did.
I’m sorry I ever messed with your head.

Suppose you go.
Suppose you grow.
Supposedly I’m the one supposed to know
where you go when you die,
if we ever get it right.

Filled houses with sound,
with carpets and couches
filled to the brim with
how deep my foot in my mouth is.
It’ll suck, packing up
in the back of some truck I borrowed from work.

Good god, help me unpack it elsewhere.
Dear lord, I’m a little unsure how to get there.

Taking it in,
making last minute friends with the holes in the ceiling.


from Suppose You Grow, released August 21, 2020
Words and music by Stagbriar.


© 2020 Stagbriar & Comfort Monk all rights reserved